23 April 2012

Solar Positions

Ever wondered how big the sun would look if you were on another planet? I have for a long time. So, using sizes and data from NASA's own website, I modified a picture of a sunset to see how the sun would look to us, if earth were as far away from the sun as each of the other planets.

First, the original, unaltered, image of a sunset here on Earth…

Now, what if we were as close to the sun as Venus is…

And if we were where Mercury is…

Before we zoom out to the other planets, here’s Earth again…

If we were where Mars is…

If we were where Jupiter is…

If we were where Saturn is…

If we were where Uranus is…

If we were where Neptune is…


TS Hendrik said...

I gotta say, not only is that cool, but it reaffirms to me that Neptune is the best planet. I like the night life, I like to boogie.

Sebastian Black said...

Neptune was my favorite planet all through school. Now, it's Earth. It's that whole liquid water thing. I like the stuff. We're the only planet that has it. So that's it.

Sarah said...

Incredible! I have to say, it's made me realize that being "just right" is a lucky thing!

Sebastian Black said...

I'm glad you liked it, Sarah, and yeah, being "just right" is rather nice, isn't it?

Pat Tillett said...

That was a great idea! I wouldn't want to live too far from the sun and waste all that money my wife spends on sunglasses....

Pat Tillett said...

oh yeah...
Tim, that was hilarious comment. Now I have that song stuck in my head.